Lignards Venaus Villarodin
Lignards Venaus Villarodin

About RTE

RTE is France’s transmission system operator, in charge of an impressive infrastructure: more than 105 000 km of high and ultra-high-voltage lines spanning the whole of France and 50 interconnections with neighbouring European countries.


RTE is renowned for its expertise. It has been operating, maintaining and developing this grid for 20 years, while constantly balancing supply and demand, second by second.

RTE is a public utility which provides all competing power-generation facilities with non-discriminatory access to the grid.

RTE informs the decisions of the public authorities who make energy policy. It also educates the members of the general public, helping them to gain a better understanding of electricity so that they can use it more efficiently.

Playing a central role within the French and European power systems, RTE is a vital economic partner of businesses and regions, a pivotal player in the energy transition and the move towards renewable energy sources, and a firm proponent of Europe-wide electrical solidarity.

So that the current flows every second: "We are here" (2:40)

This video highlights the crucial role of RTE, committed 24/7 to ensuring the balance between electricity production and consumption, while supporting the energy transition towards a decarbonized France.

Discover how RTE teams ensure, every second, the continuity of electricity for everyone.

Film institutionnel RTE - Pour qu'à chaque seconde le courant passe : nous sommes là
RTE's corporate presentation video

RTE key figures

105,817 km
of power lines, the biggest grid in Europe
99.9994 %
power supply continuity
employees including 470 apprenticeships

4,926 M€
of revenue in 2022
40 M€
worth of investment committed to R&D
93 %
customer satisfaction rate in 2022

The role of the transmission system in the French and European electricity framework

The transmission network links electricity producers to the consumers and links France to its European neighbours, through an impressive accomplishment: guaranteeing the constant balance between production and consumption and between imports and exports. 

Infographics - The French electric system

Key dates

Establishment of the transmission system operator
A piece of legislation was enacted requiring the establishment of a transmission system operator, separate from the generation utility. That brought an end to the monopoly of EDF who had previously held both mandates.
Birth of RTE
RTE is a limited company and a wholly owned subsidiary of EDF. Its articles of association guarantee its neutrality with regard to all power-generation facilities.
Change in ownership
RTE’s capital was transferred to CTE (Coentreprise de Transport d’Electricité), jointly owned by EDF (50.1%), the Caisse des Dépôts (29.9%) and CNP Assurances (20%).

And what about tomorrow?

The corporate Impulsion & Vision project
This project addresses the future industrial challenges facing the company.
Aiming for carbon neutrality
RTE is exploring potential scenarios for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.
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Ouvrage RTE_albertville
Portrait de Thérèse Boussard, Clotilde Levillain, Xavier Piechaczyk, Sophie Moreau-Follenfant et Thomas Veyrenc
RTE, a responsible and committed corporation
As a public utility, RTE’s DNA is imbued with strong values of transparency, respect and sensitivity to the needs of others. On a day-to-day basis, it works hard to reduce its environmental footprint, to enlarge its societal footprint, to protect its workforce, and to foster close ties and constructive dialogue with its customers, its suppliers and the regions across which its power lines run.
A limited company with an executive board and an oversight council, RTE has specific features pertaining to its role as France’s transmission system operator (TSO). Its articles of association and its modes of governance ensure that it remains autonomous, independent and neutral.
Ouvrage RTE_albertville
RTE, a responsible and committed corporation
As a public utility, RTE’s DNA is imbued with strong values of transparency, respect and sensitivity to the needs of others. On a day-to-day basis, it works hard to reduce its environmental footprint, to enlarge its societal footprint, to protect its workforce, and to foster close ties and constructive dialogue with its customers, its suppliers and the regions across which its power lines run.
Portrait de Thérèse Boussard, Clotilde Levillain, Xavier Piechaczyk, Sophie Moreau-Follenfant et Thomas Veyrenc
A limited company with an executive board and an oversight council, RTE has specific features pertaining to its role as France’s transmission system operator (TSO). Its articles of association and its modes of governance ensure that it remains autonomous, independent and neutral.
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Maintenance sur un pylône
Pylône fougère RTE
The corporate “Impulsion et Vision” project
From the European Union to France’s regions, the ambitions being sought by the energy transition are considerable and will result in profound changes being made to the whole of the electrical landscape. In response to these changes and its customers’ new expectations, RTE has to adapt, prepare itself and reinvent itself in order to play an active role in driving these future changes.
RTE discharges its duties as a public utility within the framework of a regulated monopoly. In consideration of this, most of its revenues come from the price it charges for the use of the transmission system, the amount of which is set by France’s Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE). RTE pays close attention to these financial and economic balances in order to be able to fund its investments as well as its grid operation and maintenance activities, whilst continuing to offer a service at the most affordable cost, thereby helping to boost the competitive strength of economic players and to safeguard the public’s purchasing power.
Maintenance sur un pylône
The corporate “Impulsion et Vision” project
From the European Union to France’s regions, the ambitions being sought by the energy transition are considerable and will result in profound changes being made to the whole of the electrical landscape. In response to these changes and its customers’ new expectations, RTE has to adapt, prepare itself and reinvent itself in order to play an active role in driving these future changes.
Pylône fougère RTE
RTE discharges its duties as a public utility within the framework of a regulated monopoly. In consideration of this, most of its revenues come from the price it charges for the use of the transmission system, the amount of which is set by France’s Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE). RTE pays close attention to these financial and economic balances in order to be able to fund its investments as well as its grid operation and maintenance activities, whilst continuing to offer a service at the most affordable cost, thereby helping to boost the competitive strength of economic players and to safeguard the public’s purchasing power.