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About RTE
RTE is renowned for its expertise. It has been operating, maintaining and developing this grid for 20 years, while constantly balancing supply and demand, second by second.
RTE is a public utility which provides all competing power-generation facilities with non-discriminatory access to the grid.
RTE informs the decisions of the public authorities who make energy policy. It also educates the members of the general public, helping them to gain a better understanding of electricity so that they can use it more efficiently.
Playing a central role within the French and European power systems, RTE is a vital economic partner of businesses and regions, a pivotal player in the energy transition and the move towards renewable energy sources, and a firm proponent of Europe-wide electrical solidarity.
So that the current flows every second: "We are here" (2:40)
This video highlights the crucial role of RTE, committed 24/7 to ensuring the balance between electricity production and consumption, while supporting the energy transition towards a decarbonized France.
Discover how RTE teams ensure, every second, the continuity of electricity for everyone.

RTE key figures

The role of the transmission system in the French and European electricity framework
The transmission network links electricity producers to the consumers and links France to its European neighbours, through an impressive accomplishment: guaranteeing the constant balance between production and consumption and between imports and exports.

Key dates
And what about tomorrow?