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Enlightening the end consumers
A good electricity consumer is an informed consumer. RTE has designed tools to inform users about power consumption in France and help them control their own consumption.
A tool for a better understanding of how we consume
Would you like to know how much electricity is being consumed in France right now? What is the proportion of wind power in your region? How many megawatts does France export to its European neighbours? éCO2mix can answer all your questions.
Ecowatt - Electricity forecast to pave the way for responsible consumption
Across France, people are using Ecowatt to help them make smarter choices when it comes to electricity consumption :
- When should you reduce consumption to prevent power cuts, for example during cold spells in winter?
- When is the best time to consume electricity: for example, recharging your electric car at times when low carbon electricity generation is abundant?
A bona fide electricity forecast, Ecowatt qualifies French electricity consumption in real time, on a region by region basis. Consumers are guided at all times by clear indicators ensuring they make the right choices.
Ecowatt also has a text notification service to warn consumers in case of power cut risks. Ecowatt lets consumers know the most effective energy-saving actions and when to take them.
Through responsible consumption, all French people can get involved in driving forward the energy transition and ensuring everyone has a plentiful supply of electricity.
Encouraging eco-friendly behaviours
Sharing data for more efficient planning
Together with other players in the energy sector, RTE has jointly founded Open Data Réseaux Énergies (ODRÉ). This on-line platform provides data on energy consumption and output, storage, infrastructure, markets and weather conditions. ODRÉ works on the principle of capturing new data on multiple energy sources, multiple operators and multiple networks, and is seeking to expand by taking on new partners.
This on-line platform provides data on energy consumption and output, storage, infrastructure, markets and weather conditions. ODRÉ works on the principle of capturing new data on multiple energy sources, multiple operators and multiple networks, and is seeking to expand by taking on new partners.
Designed to promote learning and transparency, this RTE initiative seeks to help public authorities and local communities plan their energy policies more efficiently, whilst helping residential customers and manufacturing companies to better control their consumption.
Thousands of RTE data items available in real time
- France’s power consumption curve, minute by minute.
- Availability of generation facilities.
- Electrical power fed into the grid by each generating unit, hour by hour.
- Electricity stock exchange prices.
- Renewable output per energy source (biomass, solar, wind, hydro).
- Projected consumption for the coming days.