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Enlightening the public authorities
A pivotal component of France’s and Europe’s power system, RTE is an expert on the subject. It controls the grid and its power flows whilst also overseeing infrastructure maintenance. At a national and regional level, it has all the consumption records it needs at its fingertips.
Bringing together all the necessary skillsets, RTE informs public energy policy-makers by providing them with its data and impact studies. It advises the government, local authorities and players involved in France’s and Europe’s power system. RTE also publishes schedules and forecasts prepared in conjunction with all energy transition stakeholders.
Talking to all stakeholders involved in the energy transition
A central player within the power system, RTE routinely works alongside all parties supporting the completion of the energy transition: suppliers, generating facilities, electricity and gas distributors, business organisations, NGOs, think tanks, universities and research institutes.

Three essential scheduling tools
RTE throws light on the electricity landscape by publishing forecasts in conjunction with power-system stakeholders, employer organisations, trade-union organisations, NGOs and universities. Find out more about the three main tools.
The grid in ten years and beyond
France’s ten-year network development plan (SDDR) is a strategic document. It sets out all plans to be completed within the next 3 years, as well as infrastructure to be considered for the next 15 years and beyond.
In 2019, RTE submitted a completely revisited ten-year network development plan:
- It describes all circumstantial changes affecting the transmission system (industrial, societal, environmental and financial) and sets out detailed financial trajectories.
- It covers a 15-year time frame (2021-2035) that aligns with the multi-annual energy plan and with the scenarios of the projected supply estimate issued in November 2017.
Looking 5 years ahead and beyond
The projected supply estimate provides an overview of changes affecting the power system for the next 5 years and beyond. It is a tool of major importance for maintaining security of supply over the medium and long term.
To start with, working groups are set up to identify stakeholder needs, highlight variant scenarios and test the influence of different parameters. Of the five scenarios developed for purposes of the projected supply estimate, two were selected by the government to serve as working hypotheses for the multi-annual energy plan.
On a regional scale
RTE assists regional authorities with the preparation of regional planning, sustainable development and equality plans (SRADDET), instruments designed for conducting regional public policies pertaining to the energy transition, biodiversity, land usage, economic growth and digital coverage.
These are transposed into regional renewable energy grid integration plans (S3REnR), where RTE is placed in charge of overseeing the successful completion of the energy transition.
Publications focusing on specific perspectivesFocusing on specific issues, the purpose of these reports is to inform the strategies of affected players and nurture public debate. Examples: Issued in January 2020, a report entitled "Moving towards low-carbon hydrogen" explores the challenges and opportunities for the power system resulting from plans to develop a new hydrogen energy source by 2030-2035. Issued in May 2019, a report entitled "Challenges for the power system resulting from the development of electric mobility" explores the consequences of plans to deploy the use of electric vehicles on the transmission system. |