Europe-wide assessments
With a view to embedding electrical solidarity across Europe, transmission system operators (TSOs) founded the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) in 2009. This network comprises 43 TSOs including RTE, from a total of 36 countries.
Its aim is to maintain a balance between supply and demand, together with security of supply and quality of electrical power. Its scope covers the operation of the power system, market arrangements, network development and R&D. In consideration of these responsibilities, ENTSO-E is legally obliged to publish a number of documents which are made available to the public authorities and to consumers, and which you can download at the bottom of this page.
The TYNDP, a ten-year report
Every two years, ENTSO-E publishes the outcomes of its reviews and discussions by issuing a Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) based on scenarios that it establishes in conjunction with the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSO-G).
In addition, ENTSO-E publishes an annual report (Mid-term Adequacy Forecast, or MAF), which provides a forecast of Europe’s security of supply on a 2-year and 7-year time scale.
Last but not least, ENTSO-E issues a six-monthly report setting out data gleaned from each TSO in Europe. This document provides a detailed description of events pertaining to Europe’s security of supply: supply/demand balance; exchanges between countries; all key figures.