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Our range of services
The Service Portal is a single point of entry for finding out about our range of services, gaining access to data published by RTE, or for gaining access to digital services such as notifications.

1. Connecting you to the grid
RTE operates, maintains and develops France’s transmission system, which is renowned for its reliability and which supports the performance of France’s industries, generating facilities and electricity distributors.
Choosing to connect a site to our network means being supplied by a meshed grid that is interconnected to the European network and enjoying favourable economic conditions.
As electrical power is an essential commodity for industry, our regional and nation-wide teams are constantly working to provide you with reliable and affordable access to the transmission system.
To find out more about grid connection and conditions for gaining access to the transmission system, our contacts are at your disposal.
We conduct a customised assessment of each new connection project (generation or consumption facility) in order to implement flexible solutions by optimally combining the essential factors of location, time and cost. Our teams support you by providing regular status reports on the key steps of your project.

2. Providing reliable and real-time metering data
RTE assists its customers with cost control, with the management of their balance perimeter by providing data services (near real-time metering data, output or market data) and notifications. Taking account of individual practices, RTE provides data in a variety of formats: view, download or API (machine-to-machine).
This is how we simplify access to data, rationalise our customers’ expenditure and facilitate the control of their power consumption or output in near-real time.
As we are aware that metering data is essential for our customers, we regularly upgrade our services on the basis of daily exchanges with our customers as well as through our regular consultations (website in french).
The Service Portal provides our customers with a single point of entry, access to an extensive database and a means of quickly and effectively controlling their power consumption or generation.
Our aim is to provide our customers with reliable data as quickly as possible.

RTE is innovating to support changes that are occurring in the railway sector, with a new railway metering service for railway companies and market players. As the railway market opens up to competition and as market players continue to play a more active role in balancing the power system, RTE and SNCF Réseau have embarked on a project to replace the railway metering service with an in-train metering system.
- Individual and fairer billing for railway companies
- Actual power-consumption flows assigned to market players
- Fair access to electricity markets
3. Maintaining good power quality at all times
Fully aware that the quality of power affects our customers’ performance, RTE draws on its collective expertise to minimise the effects of power disruptions on our customers’ businesses.
RTE is one of the few European system operators to guarantee power quality and the continuity of power supply, with the possibility of compensation. RTE provides services to its customers (whether they are distributors, consumers or generators), with commitments on power cuts and, for industries that are particularly at risk, commitments on voltage dips with monitoring to identify the origin of these disturbances on the network and identify their consequences on their installations.
Safeguarding the performance of our customers’ facilities also means maintaining grid infrastructure while preserving the quality and continuity of power. RTE reduces the impact of necessary works by rationalising our work schedules through consultation with our customers or by employing special means (for example to work on live equipment) to minimise service interruptions.

4. Providing access to electricity markets
In France, markets started opening up to competition nearly 20 years ago. Markets are continuing to open up with the construction of an ever-widening European market on the one hand, and with the emergence of opportunities for new technologies on the other, such as renewable energy sources and storage systems.
The ambition of RTE and its European counterparts is to:
- enable consumers to freely choose their supplier for an optimal supply
- enable providers of flexible solutions (generation, demand response and storage) to leverage their capacities via a wide panel of markets and mechanisms (stock exchanges, balancing and demand response mechanism, ancillary services, invitations to tender for capacity building, etc.)

We also aim to provide our customers with optimal support for accommodating the changes resulting from the implementation of European regulations. In these constantly changing times, RTE is helping its customers to anticipate these changes through the gradual and measured implementation of European regulations (in french), as well as providing them with consultation opportunities so that they can become stakeholders.
We aim to provide market players with clarity, thereby helping them to enhance their performance through the smart transposal of European principles into national market rules.