 Pylones et paysage nuageux
 Pylônes et paysage nuageux

Making regions economically attractive and creating employment opportunities

Covering the entire country, RTE provides all regions with the same services, regardless of their demographic or industrial situation. For this reason, RTE is one of Europe’s best performers when it comes to the quality of power supply. By leveraging its ability to rely on this network and on its regional presence, RTE has undertaken to support local economic development and regional attractiveness.

RTE has real assets that help the regions to promote the development of existing businesses and support the opening or relocation of industrial facilities.

RTE offers a range of services centred around dialogue and cooperation with nation-wide economic players (Direction Générale des Entreprises, Business France, Fédération des Agences de Développement Economique, France Industrie, etc.) and regional economic players (regional administrations, economic development agencies, chambers of commerce and industry, competitiveness clusters, etc.) in order to prepare for the development and influx of new industrial facilities in a timely manner and at a favourable cost, while delivering fit-for-purpose quality of power supply.

Supporting industrial implementations


RTE supports the implementation of future industrial and logistical projects in order to drive regional development

In order to address the increase in future needs for electricity within the area comprising Dunkerque’s port and industrial complexes, RTE is jointly funding the construction of a substation that steps down voltage from 225 000 V to 20 000 V. This project will enhance the region’s attractiveness by providing future industrial customers with access to a substation.

Vue Aérienne Dunkerque


Preparing to accommodate data centers in Île-de-France

Owing to its geographical location, France is becoming an increasingly attractive option for the siting of data centres.
RTE is working alongside the regional economic development agency Choose Paris Region, in order to identify the most suitable electrical sites for these data-centres.

Serveurs data center



Increasing regions' economic attractiveness

RTE is helping to set up the infrastructure of economic development areas and to enhance the regions’ economic attractiveness by proactively engaging in dialogue and working together with regional players.

One town out of two is equipped with transmission system infrastructure, which is vital for the successful completion of the energy transition. This infrastructure can either be a hindrance to economic development or indeed an asset, as long as its existence is already accounted for in town-planning documents or regional economic development plans.

Partnership agreements signed with regions and cities

RTE is a key player in the energy sector, a responsible urban planner and a socially responsible economic player. In order to help the regions address these challenges, a framework agreement has been signed with the city of Lyon, revolving around 4 main components:

  • Energy transition: Understanding energy better
  • Urban development: Being better prepared for urban development projects
  • Economic development: RTE, a driving force of attractiveness and innovation
  • Solidarity: Responsible procurement and support with finding employment


Through a locally driven buried lines initiative, regional authorities can call on RTE for the undergrounding of power lines. The terms and conditions of this system, as well as the arrangements governing RTE’s financial involvement, are enshrined in the energy code.

Adapting our infrastructure to support regional development

The eastern part of the Greater Nantes Area has grown significantly as a result of numerous urban development projects. The area is still undergoing a transformation with the construction of thousands of dwellings located in the vicinity of 63 000 V and 225 000 V overhead power lines.

In order to meet the city’s need for urban and economic development, RTE has responded to the community’s request by embarking on three locally driven undergrounding projects involving several sections of power line.


Helping local SMEs thrive

RTE helps local SMEs to thrive and supports people in their efforts to find or return to work. In 2016, RTE signed a responsible procurement charter.

With 72 450 jobs being supported by RTE (for 1 job directly created by RTE, 7.1 jobs are supported across the country) and a GDP of 6.8 billion Euros generated for the regions (1 Euro of added value generated by RTE in turn generates an additional 1.3 Euros of GDP in France), RTE is helping regional economies to thrive by:

  • Committing to minimum-hour job contracts for the reintegration of socially or occupationally disabled people.
  • Cross-company forums arranged with Chambers of Commerce and Industry to facilitate contacts between local businesses and RTE’s contract companies.


2 Loires project

155 local companies are involved in the rebuilding of a 225 000 V line between Puy-en-Velay, Issyngelais and Saint-Etienne (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes). Orders to the tune of almost 35 million Euros have been placed with local and regional businesses. These economic spin-offs are the result of a partnership with economic players (Construction and Public Works Federation, chambers of commerce and industry, elected representatives) designed to facilitate contacts between local businesses and RTE’s contract companies.

RTE is providing the regions with financial support. In addition to the local contributions it paid in 2019 (business tax, land tax, apprenticeship tax, business property tax, value-added business tax, etc.), RTE paid the regional authorities 102 million Euros for the presence of our transformers in their regions and 272 million Euros for our pylons.

 Pylones et paysage nuageux

Pylon tax

Towns located in regions that are home to pylons supporting ultra-high-voltage power lines (225 000 volts et 400 000 volts) charge an annual flat-rate tax of which the amount, revised every year pursuant to a governmental order, depends on the voltage.


Regional tax (CET) and business rates (IFER)

Further to local tax reforms, the business tax payed to the local community by the transmission system operator in return for the hosting of a substation has been replaced by regional tax (CET) and business rates (IFER).