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eCO2mix - Cross border electricity trading
View the balance of power-trading schedules between France and the six countries with which it is interconnected: England, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Spain.
Cross-border electricity trading
Tracking and understanding cross-border power trading between France and its partners
View the balance of power-trading schedules between France and the six countries with which it is interconnected: England, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Spain.
Spotlight on trading
Each and every day, RTE establishes cross-border trading schedules for the following day with six partner countries. Prepared the day before, these trading schedules are updated once an hour to reflect allocations made by intra-day market players and activations* on the adjustment mechanism by RTE.
What is the difference between "trading" and "power flows"?
What are referred to here as "imports/exports" are trade agreements between France and the six countries with which it is interconnected. These figures are different from power flows which actually move along the interconnectors.
As an example, the power flow associated with trade between France and Germany will be distributed across different cross-border lines, depending on the grid’s electro-technical characteristics and its operating rules. Power can therefore flow across the cross-border lines of other neighbouring countries.
Browsing through the trading calendar
The calendar enables you to view data over a period of one day or more (up to 8 weeks on desktop and 1 week on a mobile phone).