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Sophie Moreau-Follenfant, Member of the Managing Board, Managing Director of the Transformation and Employees Workplace Division
Her remit is to expand collective skills within the company, develop its human resources and to oversee the health, safety and quality of life / working environment of employees. She is also responsible for supervising the company’s business plan and for strengthening all CSR-related aspects.
Sophie Moreau-Follenfant has devoted her entire career to human resources. Her experience in France and abroad in the industry and service sectors has been marked by important HR transformation actions, requiring quality social dialogue, and by her ability to embrace the issues of diversity and disability in her activities.
She holds a Master’s specialising in Human Resources management and began her career in 1993 as Manager of Human Resources in Exel Logisitcs (now DHL Express).
In 1997, she joined the Compagnie Française des Ferrailles as Group Human Resources Director, to structure the HR function. In 2013, she joined the Group’s Board of Directors, now Derichebourg, as Listed Company Administrator.
In January 2017, she was appointed as Human Resources Director at Egis, before joining RTE in September 2019 as Deputy Executive Director in charge of Human Resources and member of the Executive Committee.
Deeply committed to the position of women in society and in professional life, Sophie Moreau-Follenfant was also a member of the Higher Council for equality in the workplace from 2014 to 2016.