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A safer, healthier and less stressful life for employees, contractors and stakeholders
Halving the number of occupational injuries
For RTE, a company that takes charge of complex industrial projects, occupational safety is a crucial factor. Its prevention efforts focus on the management of major hazards: electrical hazards, falls from height, exposure to chemicals. Its Impulsion Sécurité programme, supported by a robust safety-management system, was initiated in 2019. It has set itself ambitious targets such as halving the total number of industrial accidents (RTE employees and contractors) over the period of 2017 to 2021.
Instilling an occupational safety culture
The involvement of RTE leaders and employees in these programmes is essential for embedding health and safety considerations, not only in work practices but also in front-line processes ranging from work planning to scheduling. RTE promotes safe behaviours through the advocacy of a safety-culture model. RTE now spends considerably more time on the worksites of its contractors. In 2019, it conducted more than 2 100 on-site walkdowns as well as 1 500 checks and audits. This shows how determined the company is for workers to share the same level of risk perception.
Encouraging civic involvement
RTE strongly encourages its employees to get involved in initiatives supporting the common good. In 2019, the first Journée de l’engagement (Commitment Day) was held in order to highlight a range of employee initiatives, primarily undertaken via the corporate patronage scheme, which is part of the company’s DNA. Electricians without borders, Institut de l’engagement, RTE foundation, volunteer firefighters, the Ministry of Armed Forces military reserve policy, etc. RTE employees supporting these structures play an active role in making energy widely available, assisting young people in their search for employment, fostering regional solidarity and coming to the aid of their fellow citizens.
These initiatives are further bolstered by RTE’s workforce sponsoring projects jointly funded by the RTE foundation to the tune of 80%, thereby supporting parties involved in the rural world’s socially responsible economy. The involvement of these 370 female and male sponsors personifies the company’s values of openness and solidarity in support of the regions. In 2019, the number of sustained projects passed the 500 mark, with subsidies in excess of 10 million Euros since the foundation was set up 11 years ago, resulting in the creation of 8 000 jobs in rural areas.